Friday, November 21, 2008


I just had an argument with one of my best friends about why Barack Obama was the one who shouldn't be president.(I don't intend to offend ANYONE who reads this. Sorry if I do.)
I said that I think America definitely isn't ready for socialism.
HIS argument was:
A." omg in the 30s we had a dem pull us out of the depression in times of econmic suffrage u need stronger gov bailing out big busines and sitn back and wait and c doesnt work"
And then I argued about how I believe abortion is a terrible thing, and I said that I would absolutely love to have an African American president, but one who stood for good morals, and his argument was this:
B."correct things like invading a country wit out teell the us wat we were doing and doing the eltric chair yet saying abortion is bad is so f***n contradciting"
My argument against A:
"Well, Socialism isn't going to help us at all economically, and Barack Obama wants to raise taxes, so if you're worried about the economy, why elect the candidate that wants to raise taxes?"
*changes subject to B.*
My argument against B:
"Not to offend you, but that could very well be one of the most stupid arguments ever. An Unborn Fetus vs. a convicted criminal? That's a no- brainer!"

Him: "sam its calld valuing human life and not playing god"

Me:"America was based on Christian Values.

And if you want to talk about valuing life,

Barack Obama supports infanticide.

Which is possibly the WORST form of abortion

AND if you're going to put a value on life, why put the higher value on the one that's a convicted criminal and not the one who hasn't been born?"

It doesn't matter if you're raped, it's still a human life!

Him:"yes it does why should u go threw 9 months of hell jst becouse some idiot raped u"

Me: "A. Because the fetus doesn't deserve it, and it wasn't the baby's fault.
B. Why should you be let oof the hook for killing someone?"

Him: "becouse thats not justice thats revenge a head for a head?"
Me:"Is killing kids justice?"

Him:"Hey b4 they have brains"



Anthony, that’s so stupid.”


and ok ur 13 years old u live in lets jst say norfolk u get raped and u hav jst deal wit it

ya they did but even jesus said if ur truly repent for somthing ur forgived

dont u think they hav to live wit it every day of there life lets make it harded for em and let em liv longer"

And after that, I argued some more, but he just kept using the same situation OVER and OVER and OVER again.What in the world? Why are the majority of kids thinking this way? I'm sure I'm not the only other 13 year old who thinks correctly, but so many kids are poisoned in to thinking the way he does. My heart breaks for the kids who think that the life of a criminal is more valuable than an unborn fetus! Jesus was crucified, but the criminal was set free. I just want to change the mindsets of the people of my generation.

If you try to debate with me, please don't argue stupidly , and come up with more than one point.

I pray for y'all!

Later, Brah's.

fetus Pictures, Images and Photos


John Wayne Gacy Jr. Pictures, Images and Photos


George Justin Blizzard said...

I'm more concerned about this kid's grammar and spelling than his stance on abortion.

Samuel. said...
